Breastfeeding 101: Breast Milk Storage Guidelines.

Many women choose to breastfeed their babies for an extended period of time.  Chances are, if you do, you’ll find yourself pumping breast milk at some point.  It’s funny, but I always had a hard time pouring breast milk down the sink drain… it wasn’t just a waste, it was…

Breastfeeding 101: Mastitis

Throughout the Breastfeeding 101 series we have been touching on a variety of topics.  One topic that I have to include is Mastitis.  Having had Mastitis with all three of my children, I know how terrible it can feel. Mastitis: An infection of the breast, usually only occurring in women…

Breastfeeding 101: The Value of Breast Milk.

If you’ve been reading along with the Breastfeeding 101 posts, then you know the benefits of breastfeeding when it comes to your own health and the benefits to your child.  These are obviously important factors in your decision to breastfeed.  They have a significant impact both immediately and in the…

Breastfeeding 101: The Breastfeeding Mother’s Needs.

We’ve covered a lot of ground so far during our Breastfeeding 101 series.  I think we’ve come to a good point to talk a little bit about the breastfeeding mother’s needs.  When you are lactating you have specific nutritional needs.  Meeting these needs will help your body to produce the…

Breastfeeding 101: Demand Feeding.

Feeding your baby can be one of the most rewarding things that you do.  We have covered a lot so far in the Breastfeeding 101 series, including the mother’s needs, the value of breast milk, how the baby benefits , and benefits to the mother.  Today we start to get into…

Breastfeeding 101: Breastfeeding Positions

Our last Breasfeeding 101 post was mainly about demand feeding, which is a very important subject indeed, but one of the first things that must be done when breastfeeding is finding a comfortable position to nurse your baby in.  There are four main positions to consider.  You may favor one…

Breastfeeding 101

Pregnancy and birth are life-changing events to be sure, but there is more than just the birth of the baby to prepare for.  If you are planning to breastfeed your baby, then it is necessary to prepare for that as well.  Unfortunately many women are ill-informed about what to expect…

Breastfeeding 101: Proper Latch

One of the most important things that we can discuss in the Breastfeeding 101 series is proper latch.  Your baby latching on properly is the key to the start of a successful nursing relationship.  As we have discussed in previous posts, breastfeeding is a learning experience for both mother and…

A New Breastfeeding Mother’s Dilemma.

I was texting with a good friend the other day and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about our conversation since then.  She had shared with me about a breastfeeding mom who had returned to work and was pumping full time to feed her child who was now in…